
Breeder Directory Annual Listing

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $25.00. / year and a $25.00 sign-up fee

Please review the Breeders page to understand our requirements and standards. The information you fill in below will be used to generate your listing in the Breeder Directory, please be sure this is the contact information you want visible to all buyers who access the Hub list.

The sign up fee is a one time application fee, and the subscription is automatically renewed annually once your listing is approved. The application fee is non-refundable. If your application is not approved, you can resubmit it once you’ve made the requested changes at no additional fee. You can cancel at any time and your listing will be removed when your active subscription period ends.

Your business name as you would like it to appear in the Breeder Directory.

Your logo as you would like it to appear in the Breeder Directory (optional).

(max file size 512 MB)

Your location as you would like it to appear in the Breeder Directory. For example: “State, Country.”

Website page that describes your breeding & rearing practices. This can be your own website or a social media profile or breeder profile on another site.

Your email address as you would like it to appear in the Breeder Directory.

Your phone number as you would like it to appear in the Breeder Directory (optional).

Please share briefly about which animals you breed as you would like the information to appear in the Breeder Directory.



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